Abstract Submission
Abstracts Closed 9 August
The format for abstract submissions is:
up to 2 pages; may include graphs / images
Download the Abstract Template document and insert/add your abstract text.
The abstract must not exceed 2 pages (including figures and tables and references) and it must follow the template format.
Save as a .doc or .docx document to your computer.
Open the presentation portal, add all required information and upload your saved abstract document.
All abstracts are to be submitted via the presentation portal by end of day (11.59pm) 9 August 2024.
All abstracts must be correctly formatted before they can be reviewed. If the abstract is incorrectly formatted it may be returned to you for formatting prior to review.
Please note: there is a limit of 2 abstracts per presenting author. If possible, papers should be submitted by the presenting author, or at least under the presenting author's name.
The committee intends to notify all submitting authors of acceptance or changes needed by 29 August.
If you have any questions please email tracy@on-cue.co.nz
Late submissions will not be accepted. Abstracts Close end of day (11.59pm) Friday 9 August 2024
A condition of acceptance is that one author must present in person at the conference.
The presenting author will be required to register for the Conference to ensure their abstract is included in the final programme.
Deadline for presenting author registration is 11 October 2024.
Similarly, no speaker fee is paid to authors or presenters.
It is the responsibility of the submitting author to ensure the accuracy of the content, spelling, grammar and formatting of the abstract, as it will be published as it is submitted.
The committee reserves the right to limit the number of presentations to 1 per person, if the programme is over-subscribed.
By submitting an abstract, you also grant the Organising Committee permission to publish the abstract in the conference proceedings in hard copy and/or electronic format.
If you wish to suggest a special session theme please email the following information to tracy@on-cue.co.nz
Name of special session
Number of papers you expect to be submitted to that theme
Name of suggested chair for the special session
You will select a theme from the list below, that best suits your abstract, when you upload your abstract onto the presentation portal. This indication will help with allocating a reviewer to your paper, however the theme may be changed if reviewers think your paper would better fit another theme OR if the overall submission of papers requires an adjustment to the initial theme list.
If you do not see a theme that works for your abstract there is the option to select Other.
Advances in Field Data Capture
Advances in water resource management over the past 20 years
Catchments, communities, and integrated management
Data: monitoring, visualisation, and management
Groundwater Ecosystems
Groundwater and surface water interaction
Groundwater in Infrastructure
Groundwater modelling, history matching and uncertainty analysis
Groundwater processes and management
Groundwater quality and quantity
Hydrological effects of landuse and vegetative change
Irrigation, drainage and recharge
Large-scale climate variability: Extremes, hazards, impacts of climate change
Mātauranga Māori/Indigenous Knowledge
Modelling and Prediction
Rainfall and runoff processes
Rivers: flow and management
Sediment quality and quantity
Surface water quality and quantity
Translation of science to policy, planning and management
NZWaM - NZ Water Model
Wetland/stream depletion studies
Please download the template and use the formatting to complete your abstract.
Once complete, save a copy on your computer. Then upload to the presentation portal.
Abstracts are now closed.
If you submitted an abstract you will have received an email with a direct link back to your presentation portal.
You can check the information you submitted via your portal link.
NZHS Society Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor