Tēnā koutou / Hello everyone,
On behalf of the organising committee, we are happy to welcome you to the 2024 New Zealand Hydrological Society Conference, held this year in Te Waiharakeke Blenheim.
The conference theme is “Securing Our Water Future: Embracing Adaptation and Collaborative Solutions”. Due to growing pressures on water resources and environmental challenges, there is more need than ever to safeguard our water legacy for future generations. Adaptation and collaboration are needed to discover and implement solutions to address our water issues. Adaptation signifies a willingness to evolve, combining lessons from the past with innovative strategies for the future. Collaboration highlights that securing our water future is a shared responsibility; working together with iwi, communities, industry and government is essential in managing water resources to fulfil our current and future needs.
Alongside the excellent technical programme we have many social events planned, allowing great opportunities for networking and socialising, accompanied by field trips showcasing some of the collaborative projects underway in the wider Marlborough region.
Ngā mihi nui / Kind regards
Charlotte Tomlinson and Emma Chibnall
Conference co-Chairs
On behalf of the 2024 conference committee
Tuesday 26 Nov
Conference Opening
Keynote speaker
Concurrent sessions & Poster session
Welcome Function
Monday 25 Nov
Exhibitor pack in
Special interest group meetings
Wednesday 27 Nov
Keynote speaker
Concurrent sessions
Student Function
Social Function
Thursday 28 Nov
Keynote speaker
Concurrent sessions
Exhibitor pack out
Conference Close
Conference Dinner
Friday 29 Nov
Field Trips